You can taste and Feel the difference!
Expensive and cheap coffee can be upwards of 60% under/overripe; tearing up your stomach! We keep our harvest less than 5% under/overripe.
After processing we hand pick out all defective beans bringing it to a ZERO PERCENT defect coffee. Guaranteeing you a smooth cup for your tongue and tummy!
You will love it, Guaranteed!
Or we will refund AND replace it with another product.
We currently pay our farmers 41% above market prices for coffee cherry and handle all the logistics and processing.
Direct Community/Environment Impact
By enjoying our coffee you are helping our mission of
Making regenerative and Organic farming the standard in coffee. Healing our earth, our bodies, and our communities through higher quality beans!

It is how the coffee beans are harvested.
Coffee farmers are battling a few variables.
Lack of labor: Producers struggle to find workers because they have migrated to the cities in search for better opportunity.
Volatile Prices: Coffee Market prices fluctuate significantly and do not offer the farmer security. They must harvest all their coffee at once when they have labor and the coffee price is highest. Whether the beans are ripe or not.
Think of an underripe orange. The color isn't ready, the taste is bitter and sour, and finishing it would cause a stomach ache. All of this happens as a way for the plant to tell you the fruit is not ready to be picked.
The coffee cherry still has a large amount of undeveloped starches that can result in bitter flavor and gut issues such as heartburn, nausea, etc. By having a direct line of trade we can solve these problems and pay our people higher to only give us the best harvest. Overseeing a quality control at every step that other companies cannot get close to; delivering a better feeling coffee without negative side effects and creating a virtuous cycle!

Many "Clean Coffee" companies are ousting mold and pesticides as the culprit to the negative side effects of coffee. This is not the full picture; it's primarily the ripeness of the harvest.
When you pay a higher price for better beans, the chances are, that mold contamination has been mitigated in the process through simple and diligent quality control, standard to most specialty coffee.
"So you are telling me I don't need to worry about mold?"
With more expensive beans, mold may not be your primary concern, as for the cheap coffee... we would be more cautious.
The farmers and handlers are typically not incentivized to hold these higher standards and are dealing in massive quantities with batches easily overlooked.
If you are mold sensitive it can never hurt to go with the products that are lab tested and certified to be mold free. As we do for our customers!
Here are the test results from the last batch we shipped up.
You should be more worried about that coffee brewer you haven't cleaned in ages... seriously!

Coffee plants and cherries are commonly heavily treated with chemicals to prevent crop damage. Monoculture coffee farming needs mass chemical use due to the lack of biodiversity and natural defenses.
Residual chemicals may remain on beans before roasting, though studies indicate that over 85% of certain pesticides degrade during roasting. However, not all pesticides have been tested in these studies, such as glyphosate aka Round Up. You can rest easy knowing we use machetes to handle weeds instead of these herbicides on our farms.
Check out these 3 different abstracts of the studies regarding pesticides.
Our primary concerns arise less from pesticide residues in coffee cups (non-existent in ours), but from the high concentrations used by many farmers without proper protection. Moreover, these chemicals seep into waterways, causing environmental harm, affecting our producers' health and our local ecosystems. The health of our farmers and our ecosystems is your health!